Saturday, May 21, 2011

Claudia, The Fairytale Princess Series Update!

Princess Claudia is a bibliophile and a daydreamer... She is the epitome of a fairy tale heroine. ♪


The gentle heart of a princess
Trembles deep in the wood.
Noble hunter stays his eager blade
Conceives the snowy miss.
Ne'er a heartless Queen's vanity
Shall smother innocence,
For the Mirror knows foremost
The maid who is the fairest.



Claudia, The Fairy Tale Princess OP Set - $494 +tax




Claudia, The Fairy Tale Princess Headbow - $58 +tax



Claudia, The Fairy Tale Princess Cuffs - $42 +tax



Claudia, The Fairy Tale Princess Choker- $42 +tax




So what do you think of it?


I think its cute and would be great in a fairytale photoshoot.


Though I couldn't imagine wearing it daily. How about you?


Aimee Absinthe





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